First Street Alehouse in Livermore - Delia Colmenares

First Street Alehouse in Livermore

Inspired by two brothers who wanted to bring a small slice of Chico to their new home town, the Alehouse provides an upbeat, social atmosphere while fostering a strong sense of community. It has been said that you may walk in the door not knowing anyone but you are sure to walk out the door with a few more friends.

As you look around the Alehouse you will undoubtedly notice the stunning woodwork and incredible atmosphere, but if you look a bit closer you will see the subtle hints of a family. The hostess stand is lined with pictures of their kids, the family tricycle is hung from the rafters and their son’s footprints are set in the concrete as a reminder that they are all in this together.

Set one foot in the door and it is obvious that people love being at the Alehouse. Guests sit conversing while enjoying great food and typically a frosty beverage, or two, but what stands out the most is the positivity and friendliness of the staff. The owners pride themselves on treating others like they would like to be treated and this policy is clearly visible when it comes to their staff benefits. Offering medical and 401K matching benefits to their staff has allowed them to acquire a devoted staff who are fully invested in the business and what the Alehouse stands for.

If you have never given the Alehouse a shot make today the day. We think you will find out why it is known by the locals as, “the heartbeat of Downtown Livermore.”

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